
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Learning Chinese language - tips and tricks.

  Currently, more people come to a decision to start to learn Chinese language. Everyone has their own way to this decision, but taking it, one wonders where to start learning Chinese language? In this article we have tried to collect the basic tips and tricks for beginners kitaistov. Overview - persistence and patience, as in many other endeavors. No matter how trite, but it is. Perhaps this is true for the Chinese, as for any other language. Say that language difficult - to say nothing. But, as the Chinese proverb says - who wants to, he will achieve. Therefore, from the outset, tune in to the maximum attachment strength and dedication. First you need to understand what a Chinese. In fact, this notion of a collective. In different parts of China have their own dialects of the Chinese language, so different from each other phonetically, if different dialects try to talk to each other using each of their dialect, they are each other just do not understand. But if they take a piece of paper and write on it the words, the understanding is reached. Chinese hieroglyphic writing - common to all dialects, so they can not be divided into separate languages​​, although their degree of phonetic differences for such allocation is more than enough. In order to have a universal means of communication within the whole country, based on the most common dialects developed the official state language is Mandarin Chinese (普通话 [pǔtōnghuà]). This is the Chinese that we foreigners usually teach. Of course, you can study targeted one of the many Chinese dialects, but it must be due to some specific goals, such as scientific. For the amount of effort you spend comparable or incomparable with the study of Mandarin, and you will understand only in that part of China where this dialect happens. A Mandarin - is a versatile version of Chinese, which is spoken (at least should say) anywhere in China. Sound structure of the Chinese language. Chinese tones Start study stands with the concept of sound structure. Sound structure of the Chinese language is fundamentally different from the sound structure of our language family (Russian, English, German, Spanish, etc.). That's how we - the smallest unit of sound is sound, his letter is a letter, from the sounds of the syllables are formed, and from them - words. In the Chinese language the same concepts letters no minimum sound unit - syllable rigidly composed of several distinct sounds. The letter syllable corresponds to the character. Number of syllables in Chinese is limited, it has 414 Putonghua. Each syllable has the Latin spelling, who called Pinyin (拼音 [pīnyīn]). To start you need to familiarize yourself with syllables and remember the pronunciation of each of them. We have prepared two options table syllables differing account of Chinese syllables Russian letters. In a first embodiment according to the Russian reading indicated transcriptional regulatory system Palladium. This system is a standard for writing Chinese words (names of Chinese cities, names, etc.) Russian letters in the official Russian documents. But it just so happens that this system is not quite true to the sounds of some Chinese, not as they actually pronounced in Mandarin Chinese. So we made ​​the second option, where Russian reading specified in terms of maximum compliance to the standard Chinese pronunciation. This is not fully consistent with the transcriptional regulatory system Palladium, but it is wrong to say the words in Chinese. At the beginning of learning to use the second option is recommended, as well as to learn the pronunciation with an experienced teacher or a native speaker from the outset to be accustomed to the pronunciation, as close to the normative. Also, you can listen to audio recordings from textbooks. In addition, you can familiarize yourself with a few tips on the Chinese pronunciation. Then, when master the correct pronunciation, you will need to examine the system and palladium. Why is it necessary, if it does not correspond to the real throughout the Chinese pronunciation? Then, to properly write Chinese proper nouns in Russian. You can become a translator and translations abnormalities are unacceptable. And just leaving messages on the forums on the Internet, too, need to do it correctly, instead of writing, such as Guangzhou, Guangzhou, and if accepted, etc. At first glance, the difference is insignificant, but the norm is the norm, and experienced sinologist such errors immediately hurt the eyes. Next, you need to learn a concept such as the tones of Chinese. Tone - it's intonation characteristic style, ie how we pronounce this syllable - with a rising intonation, dropping, etc. In Mandarin, there are 4 colors, designated in pinyin transcription dash over the vowel: 1 Intonation high tone, smooth and lingering. 2 tone Intonation upwards. Like in an interrogative sentence. 3 tone Intonation first down, then up. 4 tone sharp staccato tone from the top down. Like in mandative phrase. As syllables for proper storing tones better to listen to the performance of the teacher or the media, and the record will fit. Tone is characteristic of syllables and is a distinctive feature. The same syllable, pronounced different tones, has a different meaning. Each of the 414 syllables can be pronounced in a different tone, slightly expanding range phonetic language. But even with the presence of tones still sound set remains limited, which leads to a large number of homonyms in Chinese, where one and the same sound, even with a certain tone, may have different meanings. In this case, a value is often determined by the context. Keys and main characters Chinese writing unit is Chinese character. Each character, in contrast to our letter has its meaning (character 你 [nǐ] - you, the character 好 [hǎo] - good character 爱 [ài] - Love, etc.). The overwhelming majority of words in Chinese consists of one or two characters (in modern Chinese dominated the words from the two characters). There are words of three or more characters. It is mainly complex terms or foreign proper names. Total number of characters in the Chinese language is not precisely defined, called the figures in 40 th, 50 th, etc. But the most common - about 3-4 thousand Having mastered them, you will understand without problems Chinese official texts, the press, etc. Each character is an ordered set of traits and keys. Each key separately has its meaning, and is a kind of simple character. Some keys can therefore be used as independent characters, but most keys are used only as part of the characters. You have to learn all the keys of the Chinese language (many keys are limited to a majority, but better -). This will need to remember the spelling and the meaning of all keys. Without this, there will be problems, but probably impossible and further storing a large number of characters. Pronunciation (Pinyin) just enough to store those keys that can be used as independent characters. Textbooks on Chinese language, Chinese language courses Simultaneously begin to engage in one of the Chinese language textbooks, of which there are now many. For example, "Practical Chinese Language" by Kondrashevsky AF, "Basic Chinese course," the authors Zadoenko TP, H. et al Shuying Textbooks new material portions and given structured. Be sure to listen to the accompanying audio material to textbooks. It is important that from the very beginning to get used to going right phonetics, especially if you are not constantly in China and do not have the language environment.

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